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Vol 37 (3) 2019

Resistance as a measure of the duration of the psychoanalytic cure – Dan Collins

Words still matter: Lacan and the role of the signifier in therapy today – Yael Goldman Baldwin

The mythification of memory: Freud, Lacan and Sebald’s Austerlitz – Eve Watson

From edible to oedipal: the case of jay – Kristen Hennessey

Mouth at rest: notes on silence as psychoanalytic technique – Chris Vanderwees

Suggestion and transference – Rolf Flor

The psychoanalyst knows how not to enjoy: technique versus style in the analytic act – Hilda Fernandez-Alvarez

From edible to oedipal: the case of jay

This is the case of a five-year-old child who presented to treatment on a path to a psychotic structure. Coming to treatment largely unable to talk or play, and fixated on his experiences of sexual assault, this case follows the child’s treatment as he ultimately...

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Suggestion and transference

Both Freud and Lacan distance themselves from any use of suggestion in analysis. Nevertheless, Lacan remarks in “The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of its Power” both that there is a connection between suggestion and transference and that Freud was...

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