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Vol. 30 (2) 2012

On being Freud’s Patient in 1921: Fragments from a Diary

– Anna Koellreuter

Anna G. & Sigmund Fr.: There is no Sexual Relationship. The Use of Freud’s (Counter)transference and the Question of Femininity

– Wim Galle

Life Behind Bars: Psychoanalysis and Forensic Practice

– Nelle Van Damme

On Kettle Logic and the Retraction of the Law: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Psychopathy

– Jochem Willemsen

The Drug-free Therapeutic Community: A Total(itarian?) approach for the Treatment of a Total Experience

– Virginie Debaere & An Stofs

Psychoanalysis: a symptomatic problem

In this article the author explores why psychoanalysts are often seen as troublesome people and why they give so much critique. Foucault stated that in modernity the epistèmè changed: ‘man’ came in the thinking frame and human sciences were born. In his opinion...

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The Violence of Right: Rereading ‘Why War?’

In this contribution, the often neglected correspondence ‘Why War?’ (Freud, 1933b) is presented as the locus classicus of Freud’s account of ‘Right and Violence’. In the discussion with Freud, Einstein’s position appears in the light of Kant’s Toward Perpetual Peace....

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