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Vol 29 (3/4) 2011

Child Psychosis and Therapeutic Mediation – Anne Brun

Borderline Transitions: Bodily, Psychic and Relational Rhythms in Trans(ce)-Analysis – Michel Galasse

The Clinic of Shame and Transmission: The Act of Writing as Support of Transference – Véronique Bourboulon

The Physician and the Victims of Torture – Agnès Afnaïm

Sign Languages, Oral Expression and Writing. On the Writing of a Sign Language – French Bilingual Book – Laurence Meurant

Finding one’s Tongue – Yvette Thoua

The Passage to the Verb – Marc Belderbos

The Logical Times of Sublimation and Architecture – Viviana M. Saint-Cyr

Painting and Psychoanalysis supporting the Translation of Poetry – Rose-Marie François

The Taste of the Subject in Mondovino: An Ethics of Framing – Olivier Beuvelet

Psychoanalysis: a symptomatic problem

In this article the author explores why psychoanalysts are often seen as troublesome people and why they give so much critique. Foucault stated that in modernity the epistèmè changed: ‘man’ came in the thinking frame and human sciences were born. In his opinion...

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The Violence of Right: Rereading ‘Why War?’

In this contribution, the often neglected correspondence ‘Why War?’ (Freud, 1933b) is presented as the locus classicus of Freud’s account of ‘Right and Violence’. In the discussion with Freud, Einstein’s position appears in the light of Kant’s Toward Perpetual Peace....

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The Passage to the Verb

This paper discusses architecture and the place (lieu) not as conceptualised by philosophy, by physics or even popularly as a milieu, an environmental continuum but rather as the effect of an operation: An operation of division, of a cut, as psychoanalyst; an...

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Finding one’s Tongue

For children who are deaf – that is to say, who cannot hear sound – from the outset communication involves what they can see, touch, feel, sense, and transmit to others through gestural signs (body language). This happens intuitively , and this process is as...

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